
Za (Isabelle Dubreuil)
Etoiles (2021) Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions : 60 x 60 x 4 cm
  • Framing : No
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Libre Est L'Art
Delivery: One to two weeks Hand delivery: Paris - FRANCE
Aditional Information
Period Contemporary (1945-today)
Artist Biography

I expose on the canvas the evolution of a work which extends over many years by underlining my changes, my maturation, my complexification or on the contrary, my way in direction of a simpler and more serene universe.

I started to paint about thirty years ago, attracted by a dreamlike and tormented world. As time went by, after hesitations on the brightness or on the mattness of my paintings, I slipped towards a purified abstraction.

Born in 1965, I spent my childhood and adolescence in Saint-Cléré (Lot). After a year of study in Applied Foreign Languages (LEA) in Toulouse, I went to the United States where I lived and worked for twelve years. I began painting in 1990.

I qualify this period as "figurative". In search of freedom, in search of a language without borders, I quickly found my limits in the figurative. For the past fifteen years, I have devoted myself entirely to my art. My work is essentially done with a knife and on the ground, without, for the most part, a preliminary sketch.

When I paint, I feel in perfect harmony with myself!

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