
Instabilité (2017) Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions : 93 x 73 x 4 cm
  • Framing : No
  • Guarantee :
    Certificate by the artist
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Delivery: One to two weeks Hand delivery: Clichy - FRANCE
Aditional Information
Period Contemporary (1945-today)
Artist Biography

Some people probably know me more as the artistic director of my communication agency... but I've always had a pencil or brushes in my hand!

Coming from a family of artists - an architect father and a ceramist mother, I have been bathed in creativity all my life. I began my studies of drawing in a workshop to prepare my entry to the Central Union of Decorative Arts. It is in this school that my creativity is revealed in communication.

My professional career in communication brings me a "plus" today as an artist. It is indeed a great wealth to create for 30 years for companies in different sectors and to meet men and women of character and sensitivity very varied. Today, my client is me! I brief myself, I carry out my self-brainstorming to express my ideas and my creativity.

My style: An abstract signature in depth. Each of my paintings could be defined by a common thread that is "depth": depth of existence, feelings, self-sacrifice, depth of matter, creativity... To have this feeling of volume and light that this depth brings. An imprint of life, a signature left by man.

Natacha Gillot - NGM

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