Mes îles rêvées

Milla Laborde
Mes îles rêvées (2023) Acrylic on canvas
  • Dimensions : 60 x 60 x 4 cm
  • Framing : No
  • Guarantee :
Sold and delivered by
Galerie Arnaud
Delivery: One to two weeks
Aditional Information
Period Contemporary (1945-today)
Artist Biography

Milla Laborde discovered painting at a very young age and immediately felt a deep love for abstract art.

Painting abstraction is like touching with your fingertips, the impalpable that slides, weaves through and yet soothes body and soul.

Milla uses the colors of her childhood which have unconsciously imbued her and which guide the choice of her palette every day: The soothing blue of the ocean that she loves so much and the flamboyant reds of the colorful gardens that send her back to her moments of recklessness and pure happiness with always a will, that of not "figuring" his memories.

Each canvas represents for Milla her need for earthly anchorage but also the desire for escape and freedom that she orchestrates on the canvas with the texture and sand of the beaches she has frequented throughout her history. The fades that invade his work reflect the intuitive gesture of his hand and his brushes.

Her paintings are very clearly an extension of her hypersensitivity which is expressed and which she chooses to share with the public.

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