Ugo Grandolini
€250.00You will never get me (2019)
Photography (50 x 50 cm)Seller : Ugo Grandolini -
The representation of nude in photography is a theme often used by artists and this practice is also as old as the technique of the photography itself. The photography of nude raises the question of the rapport between photography and art.
The first daguerreotypes of academic, erotic or pornographic nude, date from the invention of photo. In the XIX°s, the photography is a new way to study a model but it also spreads erotic photos. The male nude in photography emerged with the first photographers as Jean Louis Marie Eugène Durieu, Albert Londe, Wilhelm von Gloeden, Vincenzo Galdi ... often are favored teenagers' portraits in scenes inspired of Greek antiquity. In the 1930s in 1940, the naked athletes of Jean Ferrero, Gregor Arax, or nudes esthétisants and sophisticated of Man Ray or Raymond Voinquel show more virile subjects.
In the contemporary period the photography of nude is often connected to eroticism and the development of the pornographic industry also inspired artists as Jeff Koons who realized several works with his partner in sexual scenes.