
  • Country : France
  • Number of artworks : 1
Keymi was born in the 12th arrondissement of Paris in 1973. He has been painting since 1990. His medium of choice is the aerosol can. However, believing that quality is mainly based on plurality, he uses other techniques such as watercolour, photography or installations whenever necessary.
The puzzles have allowed him to enter galleries in France and abroad. They have been presenting his works in art fairs and shows all over Europe and the world for 8 years now. The range of possibilities offered by this cutting technique and the very idea of the puzzle are evolving day by day and will soon lead to new creations which, in this year 2019, will be presented in March in a collective exhibition in Clermont-Ferrand. The graphic design inspired by tag and graffiti then becomes abstract and only the shapes remain in the cut material, which gives them volume, and they then become an object in their own right.
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