
  • Country : France
  • Number of artworks : 45

Born in September 1980, Saname is a student in school failure, at the bottom of the class he imagines .... Accustomed to punishments and recopies, his signature is surmounted by a dunce's cap like an assumed revenge on the dunce that he was... Discreet artist Saname is in full ascension !!!!

He discovered graffiti in an old factory when he was only 10 years old. Thereafter the art of the street, the museums will shape his artistic education.

Self-taught and committed to a spontaneous and abstract way mixing geometric forms, letters, lines, drips and splashes, Saname creates colorful works. The soft background gives way to the almost disappeared lettering. The gestural energy and the intensity of the colors place the spectator in a musical and dynamic composition.

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