Epoque | Contemporaine (1945-aujourd'hui) |
Authentic work of the artist Wibaa.
He began his artistic career by attending a course at the MoMA in New York.
Published in various magazines, he exhibited in London, Berlin, Milan Design Week, Rome Art Week, Puerto Rico, Atlanta.
The works are exhibited in European and North American galleries and are part of private collections.
Oeuvre authentique de l'artiste Wibaa.
Il a commencé sa carrière artistique en suivant un cours au MoMA de New York.
Publié dans divers magazines, il expose à Londres, Berlin, Milan Design Week, Rome Art Week, Puerto Rico, Atlanta.
Les œuvres sont exposées dans des galeries européennes et nord-américaines et font partie de collections privées.
In philosophy there is a mother concept consisting in seeing Unity in its initial form as a concept, followed by the transformation of this into the multiple. But multiple means a plurality of elements that are differentiated from each other and at the same time related. The development of the relationships between these elements causes the multiple to return to being the Unity, of which however we have experimental knowledge. Therefore, first it is divided due to the need for understanding (from the conceptual Unity to the multiple), then what has been divided is reunited (from the multiple to the experimental Unity).
A-Wibaa is following this path and is currently in the phase of creating the multiple, therefore in the phase of differentiation and at the same time building a link between the differentiated elements. The canvas he produced says precisely this: two distinct elements, the part above and the part below, an interlude aimed at highlighting this distinction and finally a line necessary to connect the differentiated parts, therefore a line intended as an element of communication (of relationship ) between the two parts, between the multiple in dual form.
En philosophie, il existe un concept mère qui consiste à voir l'Unité dans sa forme initiale comme concept, suivi de sa transformation en multiple. Mais multiple signifie une pluralité d’éléments différenciés les uns des autres et en même temps liés. Le développement des relations entre ces éléments fait que le multiple redevient l'Unité, dont nous avons pourtant la connaissance expérimentale. Ainsi, d'abord il est divisé en raison du besoin de compréhension (de l'Unité conceptuelle au multiple), puis ce qui a été divisé est réuni (du multiple à l'Unité expérimentale).
A-Wibaa suit cette voie et est actuellement dans la phase de création du multiple, donc dans la phase de différenciation et en même temps de construction d'un lien entre les éléments différenciés. La toile qu'il a réalisée dit justement ceci : deux éléments distincts, la partie du dessus et la partie du dessous, un intermède visant à mettre en valeur cette distinction et enfin une ligne nécessaire pour relier les parties différenciées, donc une ligne conçue comme un élément de communication (de relation ) entre les deux parties, entre le multiple sous forme duelle.
abstrait académie accrochage Adagp adjugé anamorphose à-plat App apprêt aquarelle aquatinte artiste argentique attribué (à) authenticité auteur avant-garde ayant droit bankable baryté baroque bas-relief bauhaus brevet bruit brut (art) bistre calligraphie cartel catalogue Cfc chalcographie cimaise circa clair-obscur classique cliché-verre collective (oeuvre) composite (oeuvre) compression contemporain contrefaçon contretype copie copie privée cote curateur critique d’art crayon Conté dation depôt légal détrempe développement diasec dibond digigraphie diptyque dripping early print (photo) eau forte écoles enchères encollage entoilage épreuve d’artiste Diasec estampe esthétique estomper ex-libris fac-similé faux format folles enchères fondation fondu French touch fresque fusain événement genres genre (scène de) glacis gouache gothic gravure .graphite graffitisme grainhappening haut-relief imprimatur in-situ Inpi Interdeposit installation inkjet jet d’encre jurisprudence jpeg jpg kitsch lambda laque lap lavis leporello lettrage ligne claire linogravure lithographie logo lot (enchères) marché (premier, second...) marine maître maroufler mécènat Merz moderne modeste monochrome monotype motif mouvements multiple naïfs négatif (photo) newprint (photo) non-objectif numérique (art et photo) numérisation oeuvre offset original palette palimpseste parrainage parodie pastel pastiche Peintre-de-la-Marine peinture performance photo photo d’art pinacothèque pixel plexicollage pochade pochoir pompier post-graffitisme préemption premier marché primitivisme print proof (photo) ravalement RC ronde-bosse ready-made réalité augmentée reliefs (haut, bas) reproduction retable retirage rococo rush (vidéo) Sacem sanguine Scam sculpture second marché sellette sfumato shoot signature situ (in) sponsoring sténopé storyboard styles surimpression Svv tag taille douce texture tableau-sculpture tempera tirage (estampe) tirage (photo) tondo transversalité triptyque TVA unique (pièce) vanité vernissage vidéo vidéogramme vintage VJ (veejay) wall power writing xylographie .
Abstract Expressionism, Abstraction and abstract art, Acrylic, Aquatint, Art Glass, Assemblage, Bauhaus, Blocking in, Body Art, Canvas, Carving, Casting, Cityscape, Collage, Collagraphs, Collector, Composition, Conceptual art, Contemporary, Crypto Art, C-Type, Curator, Cyanotype, Décollage, Digital Art, Diptych, Drypoint, Editions, Emerging, Engraving, Established, Etching, Figurative, Fin de siècle, Focal Point, Foreground, Gallerist, Gelatin Silver Print, Geometric, Giclée, Glass Art, Gouache, Grafitti, Hard-edge painting, Hyper realism , Impasto, Ink, Installation art, Intaglio Process Prints, Juxtaposition, Kinetic Art, Kitsch, Lacquer, Lambda / Lightjet, Limited Edition, Linocut, Lithography, Mezzotint, Modeling, Modern print, Modernism and Modern Art, Monoprints and Monotypes, Montage, Naive Art, NFT, Oeuvre, Oil, Painting, Palette, Pallidium print, Papier Collé, Pastel, Photography, Photomontage, Platinum print, Polaroid, Pop Art, Post-Modernism, Printmaking, Quilling, Relief Printing, R-type, Salon Hang, Screenprinting / Serigraphy / Silkscreen printing, Sugar Lift, Tondo, Triptych, Umber, Vernissage, Video Art, Vintage print, Vitrine, Watercolour, Xerox Art, Yellowing, Zeitgeist
absorbing, abstract, acclaimed, accomplished, adroit, aesthetic, aesthetically pleasing, aggressive, appealing, artistic, astonishing, atmospheric, authentic, avant-garde, award-winning, awe-inspiring, balanced, baroque, beautiful, bold, boundless, brilliant, candid, ceramic, characteristic, classic, collectable, colorful, complementary, complex, conceptual, contemplative, contemporary, controversial, conversational, creative, daring, dazzling, decorative, deeply thoughtful, delicate, dense, detailed, infused, inspirational, inspired, instinctive, intellectual, intense, intensive, interesting, intuitive, inventive, labyrinthine, layered, lifelike, literal, luminous, lyrical, mature, meandering, mosaic-like, moving, mysterious, mystical, narrative, organic, original, paradoxical, passionate, peaceful, personal, phenomenal, pictorial, playful, potent, profound, provoking, pure, radiant, realistic, refined, refreshing, remarkable, resourceful, revealing, disciplined, disruptive, distinctive, distinguished, divine, dreamlike, dreamy, dynamic, eclectic, elevated, elevating, emergent, emerging, emotional, emotionally charged, enchanted, energetic, engaging, engrossing, enigmatic, epochal, ethereal, evocative, exceptional, exotic, explosive, expressive, extreme, fascinating, figural, figurative, fluid, freelance, fresh, gorgeous, graceful, granular, honest, human, hyper-creative, imaginative, impassioned, impeccable, romantic, saturated, sculptural, semi-abstract, sensual, serene, signature, simple, skilled, soft, sparse, spiritual, stimulating, stirring, studied, stunning, sublime, substantive, supple, surreal, symbolic, tactile, talented, tasteful, textile, thought-provoking, timeless, touching, traditional, tranquil, unconventional, unexpected, unforgettable, unique, universal, unpredictable, varied, visionary, visual, visually stimulating, voyeuristic
Inspired by
Georgia O’Keeffe
Brook Andrew
Damien Hirst
Wendy Red Star
Haegue Yang
andy warhol